Saturday, January 22, 2005


We have been given a project to look at toys, we have to consider the nature of play. What is a toy? How do we control/input data into different mobile devices? What display sizes/proportions are available?what sort of mobile devices are available to play games on?

Games of tomorrow
The games that we used to play with when we were young are a great deal different to what the children and adults play with today. I used to play with teddies, Barbie and the odd board game. But as I grew up the games industrity was taking off in a big way, playstations, Nintendo games were a big hit, I personally had a gameboy when I was younger to play with in the car. But today there are loads of mobile devices to play the thousands of games that have been created for these platforms.
It is estimated that electronic game devices are to increase five-fold to 2.6 billion by 2010, this is due to the progress in processing power, network bandwidth and storage capacity.
news story

Here are just a few mobile game devices:
· Gameboy advanced
· Gameboy colour
· Nintendo DS
· Pokemon mini
· Sony playstation portable (release data 2005)
· Mobile phones (smart phones)


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